

| 保障项目
保障金额(人民币:元) 30万
意外身故及残疾保险金 30万 30万
急性病身故(含猝死) 不承保 5万
意外医疗费用补偿 (每次事故免赔额RMB100, 赔付比例90%) 3万 3万
① 拨打安盛天平财产保险股份有限公司客服热线95550
② 准备证明保险事故的相关材料
③ 保险公司审核
④ 审核通过后10天内,赔款资金将支付至被保险人或受益人账户

Q: 购买保险、填写投保信息有哪些注意事项?
A: (1)投保旅游意外险须提供准确的姓名、证件号码、出生日期及出行时间,以免因信息不正确影响保险理赔。(2)请务必在投保前关注保险条款及免责内容。

Q: 如果牵涉的医疗费用很高, 保险公司可以直接支付医院费用吗?
A: 可以联系保险公司,如涉及的医院支持医疗费用垫付,保险公司可以安排。

Q: 是否能够退订保险?
A: 保单生效前(即保单起期前一个自然日前),如您需要退订保险,可联系电话客服或者在线客服申请退保,退款将与3-5个工作日原路径返回到您的账户。保单生效后不能操作退保。

Q: 保险理赔需要提供那些材料?
A: 一般保险理赔都需要提供理赔申请表、身份证或者护照的复印件,此外,根据不同情况材料要求也不同,请务必及时向保险公司报案并确认理赔材料。以下为常见事故的理赔材料要求,供参考 航班延误:航班延误证明(写明延误原因和时间)、登机牌、理赔申请表、护照首页及出入境页。 行李延误:行李证明、行李签收单、登机牌、理赔申请表、护照首页及出入境页。 意外及急性病医疗:医生的诊断证明、药品明细、费用发票或收据原件、出院小结等。 财产损失:24小时内的报警证明正本、损失物品的购买发票或收据原件、如涉及酒店或航空公司责任应向该机构索取损失的书面证明。 详细可参考保险条款

1、 您可在工作时间(周一至周日8:30-21:30)致电95550,或在任何时候登陆本公司网站www.axa.cn查询您保障的详细信息。Please call 95550 (Monday to Sunday, 8:30-21:30) or enter our homepage www.axa.cn to verify your coverage.
2、 每位被保险人最多投保一份,多投部分无效。若被保险人自愿投保本保险公司承保的多项综合保险(不包括团体保险),且在不同保障产品中有相同保险利益的,则本保险公司仅按其中保险金额最高者做出赔偿,并退还其它保险项下已收取的相应保险利益的保险费。Each insured person can only be entitled one insurance plan under this product. If the applicant applies different insurance products from the Company (not including group insurance) and there are the same Benefits under different insurance products, the Company will indemnify the insured only one Benefit with the highest limit and refund the premium of other same Benefits when claim occurs.
3、 本保单仅承保非职业运动员参加的公路马拉松,半程马拉松,四分之一程马拉松(10公里马拉松),趣味跑,路跑,夜跑,健康跑,亲子跑等活动期间发生的人身伤害。This policy covers only the physical injury of non-professional athletes’ highway marathon, half marathon, quarter marathon (10km marathon), fun running, road running, night running, healthy running, parent-child running and other activities.
4、 本产品被保险人可投保年龄为18至65周岁。The insured person under this policy must be from 18 to 65 years with both ages inclusive upon application.
5、 本保单仅承保被保险人在保单有效期内到达主办方指定的活动现场参加比赛直至比赛结束离开现场,在此期间内被保险人遭受人身伤害的,本公司将按保单载明的保障利益负责赔偿。This policy covers only the accident incurred after the insured’s arrival at the designated spot for the competition till the departure within the insurance validation period.
6、 本保单的承保区域仅限于中国大陆地区。This policy only covers the accident occurred in Mainland China.
7、 您可以向本公司业务人员或代理商索取保险条款,或致电本公司客服热线95550、或登录本公司官网www.axa.cn查询保险条款;请您仔细阅读保险条款,尤其是除外责任、免责条款、赔偿限额、免赔额、一般条件等黑体字/彩色标题标注的条款内容,如有不明白或有异议的,请向保险公司业务人员或代理商进行询问,如未询问,视同已经对条款内容完全理解并无异议。Please kindly ask for the Policy Wording via Company Representatives, or contact 95550, or enter our homepage www.axa.cn. Please read it carefully, especially on exclusion, indemnity limit, deductible, general condition in Bold/ Color heading, and make sure all coverage of the wording is fully understood. Any unclear or unacceptable part, please inquire to the Company Representatives. It is assumed that the contents have been fully understood and accepted if there is no enquiry.
8、 投保人未能披露与本保险相关之重大事实可能导致本保险无效。重大事实是指可能影响保险公司风险评估或接受投保申请与否之事实。如果投保人不能确定某些事实是否属于应披露之重大事实,请予以披露。Failure to disclose a material fact known to the proposer may invalidate the Policy. A material fact is one which may influence the assessment or acceptance of the risk to be insured by the Company. In case of doubt as to whether a fact is material, you should disclose it.
9、 本保险采用电子保险单形式承保,如您需要纸质保单或发票,请拨打客服热线:95550。This policy is covered by electronic insurance policy. If you need paper insurance policy or invoice, please call customer service hotline: 95550.
10、 投保人可于保险合同成立后,保险责任开始前书面申请撤销本合同,本公司进行审查后符合条件的将退还已缴保费,保险合同关系自本公司同意退费之日解除。除保险期间为一年期的保单,一旦保险责任开始,保险合同将不予解除,并不予退还保险费。The insured person may cancel the Policy before the inception date subject to the cancellation terms & condition. The Insurer will then refund the premium accordingly. Except the annual cover policy, the policy shall not be cancelled and no refund premium will be charged after the inception date.
11、 请您了解本公司的偿付能力充足率已达到了监管要求,若需进一步了解本公司最新季度的偿付能力信息及风险综合评级结果,请登录安盛天平保险公司官网www.axa.cn查询,该信息可以作为您决定是否投保的参考信息。Please be aware that the insurer’s solvency ratio is well matched with regulatory requirements. For detailed information if needed in the insurer’s solvency report and comprehensive risk rating report in the latest quarter, please access to the insurer’s official website www.axa.cn. The solvency related information can be taken as significant reference when applying for the insurance.


1、 本人身体、精神状况良好并无任何不适宜旅行的精神状态或身体状况,旅行并未违反医生的劝告,旅行目的不在于治疗疾病,也不会在旅行期间参与任何体力或手工劳动、竞技活动,且对任何可能导致旅行取消或缩短的状况并不知晓。The Insured Persons are not traveling contrary to the advice of medical practitioner, for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment, or engaging in any manual work and sports contest during the travel period; do not know of any condition, cause or circumstance existing that may necessitate the cancellation or curtailment of the journey.
2、 本人已经仔细阅读保险条款,尤其是除外责任、免责条款、赔偿限额、免赔额、一般条件等黑体字/彩色标题标注的条款内容,并对保险公司就保险条款内容的说明和提示完全理解,没有异议,申请投保。The proposer has read the wording carefully, special on exclusion, indemnity limit, deductible, general condition in Bold/ Color heading, and make sure all coverage of the wording is well known.
3、 本人从未遭受任何保险公司拒绝受理投保、续保或取消保险合同或要求提高保费及附加特别约定。I have never been cancelled, declined, refused to renew or imposed special terms or conditions on any policy held by me.
4、 本人已经如实填报一切重要的有关资料,绝无隐瞒或保留任何重大事实以影响贵公司评估风险或接受本投保申请,并同意将投保信息和声明作为安盛天平财产保险股份有限公司和本人所定合约的根据,并以保险公司签发的保险合同为准。I/We declare that the statements and information given in this application are, to the best of our knowledge and belief, true and complete and accept that this proposal and declaration shall be the basis of, and be incorporated in, the contract between AXA Tianping Property & Casualty Insurance Company Limited and myself.
5、 本人理解并同意在保险合同订立后,保险公司可因处理与保险合同有关的事项如理赔调查、损失查勘等事务授权第三方公司或者人员基于继续履行保险合同义务的需要查阅与投保人有关的资料或者基于监管部门/人员的调查要求,在要求范围内披露投保人的有关信息。 I/We also agree that in case of any claims, AXA Tianping Property & Casualty Insurance Company Limited could assign any third party for relevant investigation affairs.
6、 本人明白本产品每人仅限购买一份。若本人自愿投保贵公司承保的多项综合保险(不包括团体保险),且在不同保障产品中有相同保险利益的,则贵保险公司仅按其中保险金额最高者做出赔偿,并退还其它保险项下已收取的相应保险利益的保险费。I/We understand that each insured can only be entitled one insurance plan under this product. If the applicant applies different insurance products from AXA Tianping Property & Casualty Insurance Company Limited and there are the same Benefits under different insurance products, the company will indemnify the insured only one Benefit with the highest limit and refund the premium of other same Benefits when claim occurs.
7、 本人同意安盛天平财产保险股份有限公司(以下简称安盛天平)及/或安盛集团成员公司、关联公司,可以在安盛集团内部或者外部使用我所提交的以及后续提交的信息,并且为进行保险业务或/和为了其他相关目的,可以转让或者披露上述信息给那些公司。I/We agree that the information and any subsequent information submitted by and collected from us may be used by the insurer and/or any company within the AXA Group of companies and/or any of its associated companies, within or outside AXA entity, for the purpose of carrying on insurance business and/or for other related purpose and in this connection, You may transfer or disclose that information to any of those other companies.
8、 本人理解并知晓:本产品由安盛天平承保,在浙江、深圳、北京、宁波、江苏、广东、河北、四川、上海、湖北、东莞、佛山、山东、重庆、天津、大连、广西、云南、山西、青岛、河南、安徽、陕西、福建、内蒙古设有25家分公司。本产品由安盛天平面向全国销售。但对于安盛天平未设分公司的地区,我若在非以上地区购买的,后续服务可能会受到影响。I/We understand and agree that this policy is underwritten by AXATP, which has set up 25 branch offices located in Zhejiang, Shenzhen, Beijing, Ningbo, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Hebei, Sichuan, Shanghai, Hubei, Dongguan, Foshan, Shandong, Chongqing, Tianjin, Dalian, Guangxi, Yunnan, Shanxi, Qingdao, Henan, Anhui, Shaanxi, Fujian, Inner Mongolia. Although the product is nationwide distributed, the after-sale services might be weakened if the product is not purchased from a region with branch accessible.
9、 本人理解并知晓:若本人投保的是安盛天平北京分公司的产品,在中国法律允许或要求的范围内,本人同意授权安盛天平北京分公司将本人个人信息及保单信息提供给北京意外保险信息平台以作合理利用,如果填写手机号码安盛天平将为本人提供免费的投保短信提示。若本人投保的是安盛天平四川分公司的产品,本人同意授权安盛天平将本人个人信息共享至四川省保险行业协会,用于(且仅用于)行业反保险欺诈排查。I/We understand and agree that the information and any subsequent information submitted by and collected from me/us may be used by AXA Tianping Property & Casualty Insurance Company and Beijing Insurance Information Services Platform, if the insurance was purchased from AXA Tianping Property & Casualty Insurance Company Beijing Branch. I/We understand SMS notice will be sent by AXA Tianping Property & Casualty Insurance Company if my mobile phone number is provided. I/We understand and agree that the information and any subsequent information submitted by and collected from me/us may be used by AXA Tianping Property & Casualty Insurance Company and Sichuan Insurance Association for anti-insurance fraud investigation only, if the insurance was purchased from AXA Tianping Property & Casualty Insurance Company Sichuan Branch.

| 咨询购买
