| 保险计划
基本版 | 增强版 | 亚洲版 | 亚洲增强版 | 海岛版 | 海岛增强版 | |
意外身故及伤残保障 (18周岁以上成年人) | 20万 | 20万 | 20万 | 20万 | 20万 | 20万 |
意外身故及伤残保障 (1-17周岁未成年人) | 20万 | 20万 | 20万 | 20万 | 20万 | 20万 |
急性病身故 | 3万 | 3万 | 3万 | 3万 | 3万 | 3万 |
医药补偿(含住院及门诊医药费用) | 5万 | 5万 | 5万 | 5万 | 5万 | 5万 |
每日住院津贴 (总赔偿日数以90天为限) | 100元/天 | 100元/天 | 100元/天 | 100元/天 | 100元/天 | 100元/天 |
医疗运送和送返 | 40万 | 40万 | 40万 | 40万 | 40万 | 40万 |
身故遗体送返 (其中丧葬费用以人民币16,000元为限) | 8万 | 8万 | 8万 | 8万 | 8万 | 8万 |
旅行延误 (每5小时延误赔偿额:人民币300元) | 600 | / | 600 | / | 600 | / |
旅行延误 (每3小时延误赔偿额:人民币300元) | / | 600 | / | 600 | / | 600 |
银行卡盗刷 (不适用于未成年人) | 5,000 | 5,000 | 5,000 | 5,000 | 5,000 | 5,000 |
旅行者随身财产 | 2,500 | 2,500 | 2,500 | 2,500 | 2,500 | 2,500 |
旅行证件遗失 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 4,000 | 4,000 |
个人责任 | 8万 | 8万 | 8万 | 8万 | 8万 | 8万 |
This policy will not cover any loss, injury, damage or legal liability arising directly or indirectly from planned or actual travel in, to, or through Cuba, Iran, Syria, North Korea or the Crimea region.
This policy will not cover any terrorist or member of a terrorist organization, narcotics trafficker, or illegal purveyor of nuclear, chemical or biological weapons defined by any country or international organization.
This policy offers coverage only to individuals ordinarily resident within the territory and is null and void as to non-residents within the territory. Any insured shall live within the territory reached or exceeded 183 days in the previous calendar year at the time of applying this policy.
This policy will not cover the insured person be outside of territory before this insurance is purchased.
Policyholder shall make full payment of premium to effect the policy before departure of the first journey. The policy period is subject to Beijing time. For journeys across time zones, please make sure the whole journey is covered.
The insured person shall be at age 18-80 as adult and 1-17 as minor.
Any cancellation or change of the insured travel need to be notified to the insurance company in writing before policy becomes effective, or the insurance company will not handle the change request.
If the insured person applies and owns several policies (excluding group policies) issued by the Company for the same travel, the Company will only pay beneficiary same benefit once under the policy which offers highest benefit amount and return corresponding premium for the benefits in other policies.
The premium payable under this policy is inclusive of any Value Added Tax (VAT) that applies.
10、 特别声明:自2020年1月25日零点之后投保美亚财险旅行险的,新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情为已知风险。根据美亚财险旅行险项下旅行延误、旅行变更(取消或缩短)、旅行取消和旅行缩短四种附加保障对应保险合同条款的约定,该已知风险属于责任免除,对于由该已知风险导致的前述附加保障合同项下的保险事故,美亚财险不承担任何保险责任。
Special declaration: For any travel insurance policy purchased after 12 a.m. on January 25, 2020, 2019-nCoV (also known as “COVID-19”) shall constitute a known risk. Pursuant to the policy wordings applicable to Travel Delay, Travel Disruption (cancellation or curtailment), Travel Cancellation and Travel Curtailment, any such known risk is excluded. Therefore, coverage for COVID-19 will not be provided under those four policy benefits.
Important Reminders:
In order to protect your own interests, please read carefully the terms and conditions of this Policy, especially those terms and conditions excluding or limiting the liability of the Company under the Policy. The policy wording is available from our salespersons or on our website: http://www.aig.com.cn/. Please call our service hotline 4008208858 or contact our salespersons to enquire the terms and conditions of this Policy. Please make sure that you fully understand the explanations of our salespersons. With no enquiry, you are deemed to have fully understood the terms and conditions of this Policy.
This application form, policy wording, Schedule, any endorsement attached hereto or marked thereon (if any) and any other written agreement (if any) shall form integrated parts of this Policy.
The combined solvency adequacy ratio of AIG Insurance Company China Limited (the Company) has met the requirement of CIRC, and the Integrated Risk Rating indicates that the operational risk, strategic risk and liquidity risk are relatively low. For the detail solvency indices and the results of Integrated Risk Rating, please refer to our official website www.aig.com.cn.
I/We hereby apply for AIG International JourneySafe Travel Protection Plan and declare that the statements and information given in this application are, to the best of our knowledge and belief, true and complete and that this application will form part of the basis of the Policy with AIG Insurance Company China Limited (the Company or AIG).
I/We acknowledge that before applying for the insurance, I have read carefully the terms and conditions of this Policy, especially those terms and conditions excluding or limiting the liability of the Company under the Policy, and fully understand explanation and reminder. I/We understand that all insurance coverage is subject to the terms and conditions of this Policy.
3、 本人同意本投保单/投保申请将会构成投保人与贵公司所签署的保险合同的依据,若未能披露与本保险相关之重大事实将可能导致贵公司不承担任何保险责任。保险合同生效日期以保险单所载生效日期为准,贵公司承担保险责任须以投保人缴付约定保险费并经贵公司同意承保为前提。
I/We understand and agree that this application form shall be the basis of insurance policy between Policyholder and the Company, and the Company may not be liable for any benefit if there’s failure to disclose any significant truth related to the insurance. The insurance policy effective date is subjected to the effective date stated on policy schedule, and the Company is liable for insurance benefits subject to full premium collection and the approval of the Company.
I/We hereby acknowledge and warrant that the Insured Person(s) shall not travel contrary to the advice of any medical practitioner or in order to obtain medical treatment, is physically and mentally fit to travel; do not know of any condition, cause or circumstance existing that may necessitate the cancellation or curtailment of the journey.
I/We hereby understand that special notice should be given to the insurer where the death benefit offered by all the commercial insurance policies for any insured under 18 years old exceed such death benefit limit for person under 18 years old as specified by China Insurance Regulator (viz. RMB 200,000 if aged under 10 years old or RMB 500,000 if aged at 10-17 years old), otherwise, the Company may not be liable for any amount in excess of the regulatory limit.
I/We fully understand that any dispute arising from performance of this insurance contract shall be settled by litigation or arbitration to be chosen upon negotiation with the Company when such dispute occurs or when the contract is concluded.
7、 本人确认已阅读并理解贵公司在官网发布的隐私政策(https://www.aig.com.cn/individuals/privacy-notice),并自愿同意贵公司根据该隐私政策处理(包括不限于收集、使用、向境内外第三方提供)我/我们(即本人和所有被保险人)的个人信息(该信息无论是从本投保单还是其他地方获得),以实现该隐私政策中“我们使用个人信息的目的”项下所述的目的。
I/we confirm that I/we have read and fully understood AIG’s Privacy Policy published on AIG’s official website (https://www.aig.com.cn/individuals/privacy-notice), and voluntarily consent to the Company’s handling (including but not limited to collecting, using, providing to third parties (within or outside of China)) my/our (i.e. I and all the insureds) Personal Information (contained in this application form or otherwise obtained), in accordance with the aforesaid AIG’s Privacy Policy and for the purposes specified under the section “How do we use Personal Information” of the aforesaid AIG’s Privacy Policy.
I/we understand that under the Personal Information Protection Law (“PIPL”), AIG is required to obtain my/our separate consent in certain prescribed circumstances of processing Personal Information. To this end, I/we indicate my/our separate consent for the handling of my/our Personal Information in relation to the below circumstances by checking the appropriate checkboxes below. I/we confirm that, by checking the appropriate checkboxes below for and on behalf of Insured Persons who are minors below 14 years, I/we (1) as the parent or guardian of the minors, separately agree to the handling of Personal Information of such minors by the Company in the below circumstances; or (2) have provided the parents or the guardian of the minors with AIG’s Privacy Policy and obtained their valid consent (including separate consent) from them for the Company to handle Personal Information of such minors in relation to the below circumstances and in accordance with AIG’s Privacy Policy. By checking the appropriate checkboxes below for and on behalf of other Insured Persons, I/we have (1) provided the Insured Persons with AIG’s Privacy Policy and (2) obtained the valid consent (including separate consent) under the PIPL from the said Insured Persons for the Company to handle their Personal Information in relation to the below circumstances and in accordance with AIG’s Privacy Policy.
I/we understand that my/our consent must be voluntarily provided but that if I/we do not provide such consent, AIG may not be able to provide some or all of its services or products as such Personal Information and the specific handling activities disclosed below are necessary for AIG to provide such services and products.
I/we agree to the handling of my/our Personal Information, by AIG, which may constitute sensitive personal information as set out under the section “What Personal Information do we collect and hold” of AIG’s Privacy Policy, for the purposes set out under the section “How do we use Personal Information” of the said privacy policy. The PIPL provides that sensitive information includes information on specially-designated status, medical health, financial accounts, individual location tracking, as well as the personal information of minors under the age of 14.
– 投保人Policy Holder
– 被保险人1Insured Person 1
– 被保险人2Insured Person 2
– 被保险人3Insured Person 3
(2)本人同意我/我们的个人信息可能会被披露或提供给贵公司隐私政策中“个人信息的分享方” 项下所述的第三方。
I/we agree that my/our Personal Information may be disclosed or provided to third parties as described under the section “Who is Personal Information shared with” of AIG’s Privacy Policy.
– 投保人Policy Holder
– 被保险人1Insured Person 1
– 被保险人2Insured Person 2
– 被保险人3Insured Person 3
I/we agree that my/our Personal Information may be processed outside of China as described under the section “Where do we process Personal Information” of AIG’s Privacy Policy and provided to recipients outside of China as described under the section “Who is Personal Information shared with” of AIG’s Privacy Policy.
– 投保人Policy Holder
– 被保险人1Insured Person 1
– 被保险人2Insured Person 2
– 被保险人3Insured Person 3
Where I/we have provided Personal Information of other individuals, I/we confirm that I/we have provided these individuals with AIG’s Privacy Policy and obtained their valid consent for AIG to handle Personal Information in accordance with the said Privacy Policy. This includes obtaining separate consent for the handling of their sensitive information, disclosure of their Personal Information to third parties, the provision of Personal Information to recipients outside of China and the processing of their Personal Information outside of China.
I declare and confirm that I have obtained the insureds’valid consent to application for this insurance and the insured amounts (including but not limited to the insured amounts paid upon death).
– 本保险提供电子普票或者纸质发票,请关注“美亚客服小程序”在线申请。
– 电子发票效力等同于纸质发票。纸质发票在申请后7-14个工作日内寄送,使用到付方式邮寄
– 对于开具纸质发票的保单,在发生退保时,须将发票原件交回保险公司,并由投保人承担由此产生的快递费用。
– 保险事故通知:投保人、被保险人或受益人知道保险事故发生后,应当及时通知保险公司(美亚财险客服热线400-820-8858)。
– 资料提交:请关注“美亚客服小程序”在线申请,根据保险事故类型和申请金额提供电子版或纸质版资料。
– 理赔审核:美亚财险在收到完整索赔资料的前提下,于5个工作日内作出核定,并于作出核定后1个工作日内通知申请人;如遇复杂情形,可将核定期限延展至30日。
– 结案支付:美亚财险将理赔结果通知被保险人/受益人/投保人,属于保险责任的案件将及时支付保险金。
(1) 任何级别的政府部门或机构、官方公共卫生机构或世界卫生组织宣布的任何传染病或流行病(包括但不限于新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)或该病毒的任何变异、变形、变种等导致的传染病或流行病)及其相关疫情事件和措施;
(2) 世界卫生组织或任何其他国际性卫生组织宣布为国际关注的突发公共卫生事件的任何疾病或病毒(包括但不限于此疾病或病毒的任何变异、变形、变种)及其相关疫情事件和措施;
(3) 任何级别的政府部门或机构、官方公共卫生机构或世界卫生组织宣布的存在潜在威胁或可能引起恐慌的任何传染病、流行病等疾病及其相关疫情事件和措施。
① 拨打美亚财产保险有限公司客服热线400-820-8858
② 准备证明保险事故的相关材料
③ 保险公司审核
④ 审核通过后10天内,赔款资金将支付至被保险人或受益人账户
Q: 旅途中出现意外,我该如何获得帮助及赔偿?
A: 1. 如果客户在旅途中遭遇意外,在境内/外急需医疗救援服务,可以拨打美亚保险救援机构服务热线(+86) 400-888-3080或+86(21)-52989068. 美亚保险会根据您届时的情况提供相应的援助。2. 同时,请保留好相关的理赔资料,回国后在线下载/填写理赔表格,连同相关的资料递交我司进行理赔申请。3. 美亚保险在收齐客户理赔资料后十个工作日内进行处理,如需要补充材料会给予回复。
Q: 我把资料寄给美亚保险,怎样知道理赔进度?
A: 美亚保险收到客户的理赔资料后会进行处理, 如果资料不齐全或需要补充,美亚保险会在10个工作日内给予回复;资料齐全的情况下,美亚保险会在10个工作日内出具理赔决定。您也可以拨打美亚保险的服务热线400-820-8858查询理赔的进度。
Q: 理赔款项一定要是储蓄卡吗,信用卡可以吗?
A: 为了确保客户理赔款项的接收,请使用索赔人本人(被保险人或受益人)的储蓄卡接收理赔款。
Q: 如果发生了旅行延误,我应该怎么办?
A: 1. 首先请确保您的延误属于保险条款约定的保险责任范围,具体可以参考我司旅行保险合同条款;2. 请向航空公司索取航班延误证明, 并保留好相关的登机牌或电子行程单;3. 其他的理赔资料请参考旅行保险索赔申请表所列内容;4. 按照美亚保险的索赔流程将索赔申请表及相关资料递交我司进行索赔申请;5. 美亚保险在收齐客户索赔资料后的十个工作日内进行处理,如属于保险责任的,保险金将根据实际情况支付到索赔申请人(被保险人或受益人)的银行帐号。
Q: 我已经在境外,是否可以投保?
A: 根据保险合同条款约定美亚保险不承保在投保境外旅行险时已置身于境外的被保险人。
Q: 什么是可选升级保障?
A: 美亚保险乐悠游和万国游踪境外旅行保障计划在投保时可以选择升级旅行延误保障。被保险人遭受的旅行延误如属于合同条款约定的保险责任,每延误3小时赔付300元,最高以保险单所载保险金额为限。具体可以参见每款保险计划对应的产品内容介绍。
Q: 外籍人士是否可以投保美亚的保险产品?
A: 外籍人士一年中在中国境内的居住时间累计达到或超过183天,可使用其有效证件投保美亚旅游保险。
Q: 如何退保?或我买错了行程,要怎样处理呢??
A: 在保单生效前可以向美亚保险申请保险退保,具体流程可以登录美亚保险官方网站客户服务“保单变更”下载变更申请表,按指引进行办理,谢谢客户配合!
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